Hey guys how's it going? I have been swamped with projects and work, so I haven't been in to keep you updated on my life journey.    Here is what's going on so far, I have finally dropped from a size 60 waist into a size 54 waist, which I'm so excited and happy to announce to the world!  It wasn't easy I had to ride my bike almost everyday, work out everyday and add more positive foods to my diet.  I still have a long ways to go, but this milestone must be celebrated!   

Let's see, oh yea that Net Book that I purchased last year during the holiday's (check the January post for details), well I almost fixed it, I managed to open it up and solder the power jack (yes thank you for the applause) and it worked for about 2 weeks than it started acting up again and not charging properly.  So I'm currently in the phase of de-soldering this broken jack and attaching a new jack to the motherboard, the problem that I have is that I'm finding it a lot harder to remove/de-solder the jack than first anticipated.   I brought it to a computer repair place and they wanted to charge me $60.00 to fix it, even though I removed most of the solder, so I decided to keep on working on it until I can remove this broken jack.

 I just purchased the Batman Arkham City game for the Xbox, I never beat the first one yet, but this one was so cheap on eBay that I had to get it.   It took me about a week to get a chance to check it out, but once I sat down with it I was hooked, I must have played that game for 6 hours straight, hell my Xbox over heated and the game froze before I was force to take a break.   I haven't gamed like that in a while, most times I try to avoid long drawn out adventure games (unless it's portable) because I don't have the time to play them and keep up with the story.  Batman Arkham City handles this well by adding in story board recaps of your last accomplishments.  Over all I'm happy with this purchase and it looks to have tons of replay value.

 I have been working on some new video concepts which have made me so excited, I won't spill to much details, but the first video is like a short documentary style video.  The others are still in their development stages, I'm trying to setup my laptop, so that it is easier to edit my video with Pinnacle Studio 14 rather than using the flip share editing software, but my laptop needs some hardware upgrades before I can get the full performance out of the software.

 I think I might be missing a few things that I wanted to talk about in this recap, but if I remember what I will post a short up date.   Until next post remember to live your life to the fullest and get  your running shoes on cause you have to chase your dreams.
I have to say this question has been on my ever since this particular person re-entered my life.    I'm a positive minded individual, I believe that you can achieve what ever you put mind to and work hard at.   A few months ago a person that I have thought long exempt from my presence re-enters my life.  I figured OK this person has never been a person that I would take the time to be around, but given their recent living issues they had to move in with me and my father.   

Right off the back this person started complaining about the way we live and how we should have things setup the way that they are accustomed to, which I find completely disrespectful being that somebody is giving you a place to stay until you get back up on your feet.  As the months go by this person becomes increasingly bitter and ignorant to the people and things around them.  

My philosophy about life is enjoy it and be happy and appreciative of the little things, because that make the bigger things that much more rewarding. However it seems this persons point of view is more like I want this and I want that without having to put the effort in to obtain it, but you can't get anything in life without putting effort in.   

My biggest problem with this person is that they always like to degrade a persons life achievements and goals no matter who they are, even though they haven't achieved as much in their 50 years on this Earth.   I have to say every time I see this person or hear them talk it makes me ask how can a person be so rude, ignorant, and bitter at the rest of the world?   If you are not happy with your situation than change it, but don't sit around dropping your somberness on others as a way to make yourself feel good.           
So I'm hoping you guys have enjoyed your respected Holidays, I had a great Holiday because I was able to get some well deserved sleep and I got a good haul of presents such as Battlefield Bad company 2, Medal of Honor, a BROKEN Net-Book in pieces (I will tell you about that below), and some new sneakers.   I have been working out, but not as much as I should and since my sister moved in I have been changing my cooking style to accommodate her taste, however that ends here and now, cause I can't worry about her and her taste I have to worry about my health and the goal that I'm trying to achieve.  

So from now on it's back to Baking, Boiling, and Steaming, it has worked wonders for me and I have to say this, weight loss is just about making a few changes to your diet by taking out a few of the negative foods and replacing them with a positive healthier choice food, throw in a little bit of exercise and your golden.  Most people think that you have to eat special brand name foods, go on some special diet that cost a bunch of money, stop eating almost everything or order some diet pills and that is not the case.  I'm not a expert on health and nutrition, but I'm watching and studying the effects of what I have done in my weight loss journey and found that my method actually works for me and it might work for you as well, it never hurts to try.

I just bought an Asus mini net-book broken from eBay, I know you guys are probably saying what! why would you by a broken computer? Well these particular computers run about $300 or more and I was able to talk the price down to less than $100.  The only problem the guy said in the listing was that the computer didn't turn on, so I assumed that maybe something was wrong with the battery or power cord.  I contacted the seller to get more info after I won the bid/item and he told me he didn't know to much about the item and that his client brought the computer in for him to fix and he took it completely apart, however he didn't have enough time to fix it or put it back together so now he is selling it.   
Yeah....at this point after reading this I was angry and frustrated at the lack of info being displayed in the listing about the computer being in pieces literally.  So to make a long story short, I received the computer in pieces and I had know idea where to start because I have never build a computer from scratch let alone a net-book.  I have to say after 2 and half hours I put it back together and plugged it up and charged it and fired it up everything worked fine for a while until the computers battery started to die a few hours later and then it stop charging.   After looking over everything I found out that the DC jack is on it's way out and that a new one will cost less than $5.00, so my next task is to order the part and learn how to solder and De-solder  so I can fix this computer and finally be able to enjoy it.

Let's see, so I talked about my Holiday, my weight loss journey and my bad eBay purchase, what else is their.....oh yea! I just bought a pair of Reebok sneakers from Casual Male XL like 3 months ago and they ripped on me and boy am I mad cause I payed a lot of money for these sneakers being that I wear a pretty unique size (yea I'm not telling you! lol) which is hard to find in any regular stores, so I usually have to order them from a factory, but sometimes even they are out.  So I decided to go to Casual Male XL and pick up a pair and I was happy with my purchase until after a month when I inspected the shoes closer I can tell it was using some fake pleather rather than real leather like my New Balance sneakers.  Under the pleather is some very cheap mesh material.   That is not all, the top part of the sneakers are pretty much glued to the sole of the shoes with only a few stitches applied around the rim/edges.  I have worn Reebok before and their sneakers have lasted me about 6 months or maybe a little more with normal use.  I gave them another chance because I was desperate and this store was the only one that had my sneaker size (it was last and only sneaker left in my size too!) and I have to say I'm done with this company and others like it (Sketchers, Nike, GBX. etc...), who decide to lower their quality standards because they feel they have the market cornered, I don't know about other people but my hard earned money is not going to be wasted on your junk no more see ya!

Before I go I want to say this:  Life and good health is a blissful dream enjoy it while you can, have a good one.     
I haven't been posting for a while cause I have been busy with other projects, a lot has happened since my last post. The first thing that I'm so happy about is that I have dropped 30lbs., I know I'm so excited too and I feel so good also (this requires a pat on the shoulder, hey look I can reach my shoulder and back). I have been working hard with the weights and drinking a lot of lemon water, plus I have been eating home cooked meals from scratch, I also cut back on the unhealthy foods.

I have been busy a lot as of late do to the different holidays being back to back this month, so I haven't had time to work on to many things I wanted to do.  I had to help my sister move and I have to say this women really drives me up and down the wall sometimes with her crazy logical processing of the world around her.  I have been working around my house trying to get stuff in order, but while in the process I fell through the steps not the greatest thing I can say (thank the lord my brother was able to help me out while my sister help out with a mouth full of complaints.......lord help her).  

I received my new flip mino HD camera in the mail at the end of last month, I have to say at first I was not impressed but after messing with the darn thing for almost 4 weeks.  I have to say it is a step up from my old camera.   Still this new camera has some issues, although I was able to get some good footage of my game play off my Xbox 360.    I have been trying to improve on my video commentating skills and add more visual flare to my videos.

I have been getting into MTG (Magic The Gathering) as of lately and love playing it on the Xbox 360, PC or PS3 but I don't have the time cause I'm always on the go or home getting ready for the next day, but every once in a while whether I'm on the train or bus I'll have a little time to spare so I pop out PSP and play a quick game and that got me thinking, what if they brought MTG to the PSP? but wait (I said to myself) they wouldn't do that because the PSP to some developers (cough..cough..EA, cough...THQ, "spit"...Activision) think that the PSP is dead and so they are moving on to "PS Vita".  So anyways, after doing some searching on youtube I came across a fantastic home brew called "Wagic"  that has recreated my favorite past time on my PSP and it gives you the ability to download and install new cards on top of the hundreds that are already in the game. You can even download the game on to PC, Mac, and Linux OS's, if only they can add ad-Hoc support to the PSP version that would be super slamdellick (see their is a new word for your vocabulary...use it wisely).   I know I have rambled on and on so far, but let me just wrap this up, if you are a fan of MTG and you don't have the money to get the video game or cards then this is the game for you, here is the link: http://wololo.net/wagic/download/  
I haven't been posting for a few days now and I'm sorry about that, I have been working on a few projects lately which one of them is my self and my health.   The other projects include some new videos and concepts that have jumped into my head.   I am trying hard to make a low budget commercial for my website and so I'm trying to hammer out some concepts and ideas into a final conclusion of what direction I want to go in with this.  I'm also working on a secrete family video, my only problem is gathering the photos (which I have tons of) and organizing them and finding the right music and sitting down and editing it, the editing should take 3 to 5 hours at least, but I might have to make 2 to 3 videos cause their is so many photos here in this folder and I still haven't finish gathering everyone's photos yet.  Damn I have a big family! lol.

I'm trying to shed and make the transition from the old me into the new me, which is turning out to be a little hard....but this is common in transitioning.  As I said before I'm trying to get back into shape and drop 40 pounds but it feels sometimes like no matter how much I try nothing is happening fast enough which is making me frustrated, but after talking to a friend who explained to me it may feel that way at first but after a while I will notice slight changes. 
I woke up at 5:00 a.m. this morning made breakfast which consisted of mainly fiber and 2 plums (they were juicy lol), trying to keep my self on track so that I can drop at least 10 pounds of weight by next weeks end,   I was working out yesterday mixing up  different exercises with the weights, this proved to be fruitful because I worked my muscle at a faster rate because they didn't know what was coming next (hell I didn't even know what was coming next), so this is probably going to have to be my regular routine from now on until I die.  I do have to say that I felt much better after the work out, but I was tired as hell.

I worked on a lot of website yesterday including this one it's coming along pretty good, I was also able to get closer to finding a item for my clients computer, I don't no why a company would build a machine with parts that are cheap and rare to find, that kind action shows that they didn't care about making the customer a better product , but they only cared about lining their pockets with cash.
I woke up earlier today than I wanted (3:30 a.m.), I started working on this website adding in different topics for the forum and correcting any spelling mistakes, etc..  I like how it's turning out so far, I start work in a hour and I'm starting to feel a little tired, but I can't let that feeling consume me I have a lot to do today. 

I had to run out yesterday on a few errands and I don't know why, but I felt very flustered from the heat and by the time I made it home I couldn't even make it up stairs to my bed room, eventually I did but I ended up falling a sleep in my chair in front of my computer.  Now I'm trying to find out what is making me so weak and tired lately. 

    The Journey

    My name is NASIRUB1 and this is a place where I write about my thoughts, issues, and experiences that I face in my journey through life, you can comment on them as you see fit.


    May 2012
    January 2012
    October 2011
    September 2011



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