I haven't been posting for a few days now and I'm sorry about that, I have been working on a few projects lately which one of them is my self and my health.   The other projects include some new videos and concepts that have jumped into my head.   I am trying hard to make a low budget commercial for my website and so I'm trying to hammer out some concepts and ideas into a final conclusion of what direction I want to go in with this.  I'm also working on a secrete family video, my only problem is gathering the photos (which I have tons of) and organizing them and finding the right music and sitting down and editing it, the editing should take 3 to 5 hours at least, but I might have to make 2 to 3 videos cause their is so many photos here in this folder and I still haven't finish gathering everyone's photos yet.  Damn I have a big family! lol.

I'm trying to shed and make the transition from the old me into the new me, which is turning out to be a little hard....but this is common in transitioning.  As I said before I'm trying to get back into shape and drop 40 pounds but it feels sometimes like no matter how much I try nothing is happening fast enough which is making me frustrated, but after talking to a friend who explained to me it may feel that way at first but after a while I will notice slight changes. 

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    The Journey

    My name is NASIRUB1 and this is a place where I write about my thoughts, issues, and experiences that I face in my journey through life, you can comment on them as you see fit.


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