I haven't been posting for a while cause I have been busy with other projects, a lot has happened since my last post. The first thing that I'm so happy about is that I have dropped 30lbs., I know I'm so excited too and I feel so good also (this requires a pat on the shoulder, hey look I can reach my shoulder and back). I have been working hard with the weights and drinking a lot of lemon water, plus I have been eating home cooked meals from scratch, I also cut back on the unhealthy foods.

I have been busy a lot as of late do to the different holidays being back to back this month, so I haven't had time to work on to many things I wanted to do.  I had to help my sister move and I have to say this women really drives me up and down the wall sometimes with her crazy logical processing of the world around her.  I have been working around my house trying to get stuff in order, but while in the process I fell through the steps not the greatest thing I can say (thank the lord my brother was able to help me out while my sister help out with a mouth full of complaints.......lord help her).  

I received my new flip mino HD camera in the mail at the end of last month, I have to say at first I was not impressed but after messing with the darn thing for almost 4 weeks.  I have to say it is a step up from my old camera.   Still this new camera has some issues, although I was able to get some good footage of my game play off my Xbox 360.    I have been trying to improve on my video commentating skills and add more visual flare to my videos.

I have been getting into MTG (Magic The Gathering) as of lately and love playing it on the Xbox 360, PC or PS3 but I don't have the time cause I'm always on the go or home getting ready for the next day, but every once in a while whether I'm on the train or bus I'll have a little time to spare so I pop out PSP and play a quick game and that got me thinking, what if they brought MTG to the PSP? but wait (I said to myself) they wouldn't do that because the PSP to some developers (cough..cough..EA, cough...THQ, "spit"...Activision) think that the PSP is dead and so they are moving on to "PS Vita".  So anyways, after doing some searching on youtube I came across a fantastic home brew called "Wagic"  that has recreated my favorite past time on my PSP and it gives you the ability to download and install new cards on top of the hundreds that are already in the game. You can even download the game on to PC, Mac, and Linux OS's, if only they can add ad-Hoc support to the PSP version that would be super slamdellick (see their is a new word for your vocabulary...use it wisely).   I know I have rambled on and on so far, but let me just wrap this up, if you are a fan of MTG and you don't have the money to get the video game or cards then this is the game for you, here is the link: http://wololo.net/wagic/download/  

    The Journey

    My name is NASIRUB1 and this is a place where I write about my thoughts, issues, and experiences that I face in my journey through life, you can comment on them as you see fit.


    May 2012
    January 2012
    October 2011
    September 2011



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