I haven't been posting for a few days now and I'm sorry about that, I have been working on a few projects lately which one of them is my self and my health.   The other projects include some new videos and concepts that have jumped into my head.   I am trying hard to make a low budget commercial for my website and so I'm trying to hammer out some concepts and ideas into a final conclusion of what direction I want to go in with this.  I'm also working on a secrete family video, my only problem is gathering the photos (which I have tons of) and organizing them and finding the right music and sitting down and editing it, the editing should take 3 to 5 hours at least, but I might have to make 2 to 3 videos cause their is so many photos here in this folder and I still haven't finish gathering everyone's photos yet.  Damn I have a big family! lol.

I'm trying to shed and make the transition from the old me into the new me, which is turning out to be a little hard....but this is common in transitioning.  As I said before I'm trying to get back into shape and drop 40 pounds but it feels sometimes like no matter how much I try nothing is happening fast enough which is making me frustrated, but after talking to a friend who explained to me it may feel that way at first but after a while I will notice slight changes. 
I woke up at 5:00 a.m. this morning made breakfast which consisted of mainly fiber and 2 plums (they were juicy lol), trying to keep my self on track so that I can drop at least 10 pounds of weight by next weeks end,   I was working out yesterday mixing up  different exercises with the weights, this proved to be fruitful because I worked my muscle at a faster rate because they didn't know what was coming next (hell I didn't even know what was coming next), so this is probably going to have to be my regular routine from now on until I die.  I do have to say that I felt much better after the work out, but I was tired as hell.

I worked on a lot of website yesterday including this one it's coming along pretty good, I was also able to get closer to finding a item for my clients computer, I don't no why a company would build a machine with parts that are cheap and rare to find, that kind action shows that they didn't care about making the customer a better product , but they only cared about lining their pockets with cash.
I woke up earlier today than I wanted (3:30 a.m.), I started working on this website adding in different topics for the forum and correcting any spelling mistakes, etc..  I like how it's turning out so far, I start work in a hour and I'm starting to feel a little tired, but I can't let that feeling consume me I have a lot to do today. 

I had to run out yesterday on a few errands and I don't know why, but I felt very flustered from the heat and by the time I made it home I couldn't even make it up stairs to my bed room, eventually I did but I ended up falling a sleep in my chair in front of my computer.  Now I'm trying to find out what is making me so weak and tired lately. 

    The Journey

    My name is NASIRUB1 and this is a place where I write about my thoughts, issues, and experiences that I face in my journey through life, you can comment on them as you see fit.


    May 2012
    January 2012
    October 2011
    September 2011



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