I woke up at 5:00 a.m. this morning made breakfast which consisted of mainly fiber and 2 plums (they were juicy lol), trying to keep my self on track so that I can drop at least 10 pounds of weight by next weeks end,   I was working out yesterday mixing up  different exercises with the weights, this proved to be fruitful because I worked my muscle at a faster rate because they didn't know what was coming next (hell I didn't even know what was coming next), so this is probably going to have to be my regular routine from now on until I die.  I do have to say that I felt much better after the work out, but I was tired as hell.

I worked on a lot of website yesterday including this one it's coming along pretty good, I was also able to get closer to finding a item for my clients computer, I don't no why a company would build a machine with parts that are cheap and rare to find, that kind action shows that they didn't care about making the customer a better product , but they only cared about lining their pockets with cash.

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    My name is NASIRUB1 and this is a place where I write about my thoughts, issues, and experiences that I face in my journey through life, you can comment on them as you see fit.


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