So I'm hoping you guys have enjoyed your respected Holidays, I had a great Holiday because I was able to get some well deserved sleep and I got a good haul of presents such as Battlefield Bad company 2, Medal of Honor, a BROKEN Net-Book in pieces (I will tell you about that below), and some new sneakers.   I have been working out, but not as much as I should and since my sister moved in I have been changing my cooking style to accommodate her taste, however that ends here and now, cause I can't worry about her and her taste I have to worry about my health and the goal that I'm trying to achieve.  

So from now on it's back to Baking, Boiling, and Steaming, it has worked wonders for me and I have to say this, weight loss is just about making a few changes to your diet by taking out a few of the negative foods and replacing them with a positive healthier choice food, throw in a little bit of exercise and your golden.  Most people think that you have to eat special brand name foods, go on some special diet that cost a bunch of money, stop eating almost everything or order some diet pills and that is not the case.  I'm not a expert on health and nutrition, but I'm watching and studying the effects of what I have done in my weight loss journey and found that my method actually works for me and it might work for you as well, it never hurts to try.

I just bought an Asus mini net-book broken from eBay, I know you guys are probably saying what! why would you by a broken computer? Well these particular computers run about $300 or more and I was able to talk the price down to less than $100.  The only problem the guy said in the listing was that the computer didn't turn on, so I assumed that maybe something was wrong with the battery or power cord.  I contacted the seller to get more info after I won the bid/item and he told me he didn't know to much about the item and that his client brought the computer in for him to fix and he took it completely apart, however he didn't have enough time to fix it or put it back together so now he is selling it. this point after reading this I was angry and frustrated at the lack of info being displayed in the listing about the computer being in pieces literally.  So to make a long story short, I received the computer in pieces and I had know idea where to start because I have never build a computer from scratch let alone a net-book.  I have to say after 2 and half hours I put it back together and plugged it up and charged it and fired it up everything worked fine for a while until the computers battery started to die a few hours later and then it stop charging.   After looking over everything I found out that the DC jack is on it's way out and that a new one will cost less than $5.00, so my next task is to order the part and learn how to solder and De-solder  so I can fix this computer and finally be able to enjoy it.

Let's see, so I talked about my Holiday, my weight loss journey and my bad eBay purchase, what else is their.....oh yea! I just bought a pair of Reebok sneakers from Casual Male XL like 3 months ago and they ripped on me and boy am I mad cause I payed a lot of money for these sneakers being that I wear a pretty unique size (yea I'm not telling you! lol) which is hard to find in any regular stores, so I usually have to order them from a factory, but sometimes even they are out.  So I decided to go to Casual Male XL and pick up a pair and I was happy with my purchase until after a month when I inspected the shoes closer I can tell it was using some fake pleather rather than real leather like my New Balance sneakers.  Under the pleather is some very cheap mesh material.   That is not all, the top part of the sneakers are pretty much glued to the sole of the shoes with only a few stitches applied around the rim/edges.  I have worn Reebok before and their sneakers have lasted me about 6 months or maybe a little more with normal use.  I gave them another chance because I was desperate and this store was the only one that had my sneaker size (it was last and only sneaker left in my size too!) and I have to say I'm done with this company and others like it (Sketchers, Nike, GBX. etc...), who decide to lower their quality standards because they feel they have the market cornered, I don't know about other people but my hard earned money is not going to be wasted on your junk no more see ya!

Before I go I want to say this:  Life and good health is a blissful dream enjoy it while you can, have a good one.     

    The Journey

    My name is NASIRUB1 and this is a place where I write about my thoughts, issues, and experiences that I face in my journey through life, you can comment on them as you see fit.


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